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zico 2:12 Wed Jan 6
Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Decided that I must try and kick the habit before it causes me to kick the bucket! Cut down quite a bit on these electric cigs which is a start but the final push is tougher. Tried cold turkey, patches, all the usual stuff and I sadly have the willpower of a wimp. Crash and burn every time.

So was channel hopping last night and saw on that Embarrassing Bodies that some hypnotist was telling a rather portly lady that she had a gastric band (she didn't - she was just told that by the hypnotist) and the idea was that she would then eat smaller meals because subconsciously she thinks her stomach is smaller,.

So I wondered if that sort of hypnotism could work in giving up the fags. Can a hypnotist tell you that you are a non smoker or something similar and upon waking you become a non smoker, or is that a bit ambitious because if true I suspect every nicotine addict would have tried it?!

I know I am leaving myself open to the usual WHO abuse of "grow some balls and just bloody quit" "blah, blah blah" but it is a serious question.

Has anyone had any success going down this route?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

joe royal 11:45 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Not everyone can go under , me for instance.

Ricky 11:44 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Every time you buy a new packet, take one out and poke it filter first up your bum. Then put it blindly back in the box

Job done as you'll never take the risk of smoking poo.

Nurse Ratched 11:32 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Can hypnosis help you quit RIB?

claret50 11:28 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Good luck on giving up mate, about 7 years ago I saw a hypnotist about quitting the cigs and after two sessions all I managed to give up was a bundle of wedge from my wallet into hers. I finally went cold turkey 5 years ago and haven't touched them since.

zico 7:45 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
hammer4ever 6:16 Wed Jan 6

Many thanks I'll give the site a look. Appreciated.

yngwies Cat 6:46 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
The old farmers don't help either I bet.

bloodinmepoo 6:40 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
I cant stop ramming red hot peppers up my arse.....do you think she can help....

hammer4ever 6:22 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
My wife is a hypno therapist who is based in Sussex if you are interested Zico. Her website is www.thehypnocoach.co.uk.

team boaty 6:18 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Hasn't worked for After8

hammer4ever 6:16 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
My wife is a hypno therapist who is based in Sussex if you are interested Zico. Her website is www.thehypnocoach.co.uk.

Boris the Beard 3:19 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
zico 2:57 Wed Jan 6

Yeah it werent the best read in the world mate

Annony 3:07 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Couple, kept....

Annony 3:06 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
A mate did it, worked for a coulee of weeks and the effect wore off, k pt on going back then finally and gave up going due to cost. Smoking again now. Tbf if I was a hypnotist and you came to me I would hypnotise the effect to wear off and for you to come back every couple of weeks to pay again.

zico 2:57 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Boris the Beard 2:38 Wed Jan 6

I gave that book a go and for some reason ended up hating the bloke half way through!! Probably because I knew what he was saying was right but was in denial about it.

Troy McClure 2:55 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
My hypnotist cured me of smoking and I thank him every time I see him which is every Sunday morning when I go and clean his car

On The Ball 2:41 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
As stupid as it sounds, this worked for Mrs OTB and a good half a dozen former colleagues:


Boris the Beard 2:38 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Give the Allen Carr book a read if youve not already. I was on 40 a day (more when boozing) and I havent had one since reading it. I know its not for everyone but what do you have to lose except a bad habit. Good luck

Marston Hammer 2:30 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
If she was young how old were you?

Whitester. 2:26 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
I don't know about cigarettes but it did work for me stopping masterbating over photos of my Mum when she was young.

Steve the Hammer 2:25 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Bloke in our office, well into his 60's used to smoke god knows how many a day. He saw a hypnotist and has never smoked again.

It was unbelievable, really impressive. Weird seeing him not smoking. Very clever bloke too, seems hypnotism is not just for the weak minded.

zico 2:25 Wed Jan 6
Re: Hypnosis and quitting the fags. Can it work?
Thanks fellas. One big issue is who to see. I google hypnosis in Sussex and loads come up. It's difficult to know who is good and who isn't.

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